Tel: Toll Free 877-475-1439

Copyright © Northwest Equipment Specialists, Inc.

SystemOne® is a registered trademark of SystemOne Technologies Inc., Miami, Florida

Northwest Equipment Specialists, Inc. has been factory authorized to sell and service SystemOne Parts Washers since 2006.

SystemOne Parts Washers are proudly made in the U.S.A.

SystemOne Parts Washer Sales, Repair, and Service

Northwest Equipment Specialists provides experienced sales and service for an extensive line of SystemOne® self-contained recycling parts washers. Their patented integrated recycling process provides unparalleled resource recovery and waste minimization benefits for all aspects of repair and maintenance operations within the automotive, aviation, marine, and general industrial markets, in both private and governmental sectors.

SystemOne's® proprietary technology recovers 100% of cleaning solvents and provides pure solvent "on site" and "on demand" every day.


     - Pure solvent 24/7/365

     - 20 gallons pure solvent per day


     - 100% Solvent recovery

     - Zero solvent waste

     - Zero VOC w/QSOL solvents


     - Eliminates the need for parts washer services

     - Increases worker productivity significantly

     - Reduces operational costs

     - No solvent waste ever...solvent remains pure